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commercial vents

Revive Furnace Cleaning provides the following services: Furnace and duct cleaning, Dryer vent cleaning, Main exhaust, Central vacuum cleaning and Humidifier installation.








Residential Duct & Furnace Cleaning
1 Furnace Included
10 Vents Included
Additional Furnace $59
Multi-Point Inspection
FREE Standard Size Furnace Filter
Furnace and Duct Cleaning
Additional vents $10 each. High-Eff/AC bypass fee $40. All vents must be cleaned.
before and after vent cleaning picture
Furnace and Duct Cleaning

Your furnace & central air conditioning system circulates air all over your house or office. This also provides circulation of dust filaments and many other impurities that exist in any house or office. Some of these impurities settle inside pipelines accumulating formation of a thickening layer, which constantly pollutes air indoors

Terms and Conditions:

Minimum service call is $119. Some restrictions apply. Call for more details.

Dust in Vent

Consists of tiny filaments and other small particles. Dust makes the major part of accumulations in vent systems and recirculates in your house or office. This contributes to allergies and respiratory problems that compel to perform regular cleanings, but this process becomes tedious and exhausting.

mold bacteria

In our humid climate, these biological creatures found ideal conditions for growth and reproduction in our air ducts and vents. The longer air ducts stay uncleaned the more chances these creatures have to thrive, and jeopardize human health.

Dust Mite
Dust Mites

Tiny creatures; they feed off human’s skin particles and pets’ particles of skin and fur. They inhabit air ducts and vents. Their droppings are a part of dust in your house. As a result, many people develop allergic reactions.

odor bacteria cells

Odor form cooking, cigarettes, pets and other odors accumulate in air ducts and spread around the house.

Furnace and Air Duct Cleaning services in Calgary area: Airdrie, Okotoks, Chestermere and Surroundings areas.

It is more cost-efficient to hire a professional HVAC technician for the cleaning and maintenance of the air vents and shafts than to go for DIY care or have a non-professional do it. In fact, you will generate savings on a range of costs. The specialist service will help you to save on both repair, utilities and replacement. These savings can be considerable for any household and especially for a business which uses a large and complex system for heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

Your business will achieve higher cost efficiency with outsourcing the cleaning and maintenance work compared to having it done in-house. This is because in addition to the purchase of equipment and materials, the company will have to invest in the professional training of in-house staff. If additional workers are hired, the cost will climb further up. Given that the care for air vents and shafts is not a daily or even weekly task for the majority of businesses, it is simply not economical to go for the in-house option.

The provision of cleaning and care to air vents and shafts typically involves climbing a ladder and working with both hands at a considerable distance above the ground. This poses considerable safety risks, especially to untrained people. The HVAC technician has been trained to do the job and has a great deal of experience in it. Besides, the knows how to use techniques for protection from accidents.

Why should you have your furnace and ducts cleaned ?

Today, an average person spends up 60-70% of his or her time indoors. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), concentration of air pollutants indoors can be up to 70 times higher than in the surrounding outdoors. As such, indoor air quality is closely related to health. The number of people affected by various respiratory illnesses is on the rise, and nearly 30% of all people suffer from allergies. Studies show that for 1 in 6 cases, allergy symptoms can be significantly alleviated simply by improving quality of the air that people breathe. Considering the profound effects that air quality has on human immune systems, as many as half of all illnesses are either aggravated or directly caused by indoor air pollution.Poor indoor air quality is caused either by external or internal sources of contamination or by inadequate ventilation. Dirty air ducts can act both as a source of such air pollutants and the cause if obstructed air flow. Surprisingly, most homes in Ontario have air ducts full of dust and garbage from the moment they are built! While in some areas, such as the state of New York, a builder can loose their license for failing to clean ducts after completion of construction, such cleaning is not mandatory for builders in Ontario. Dust and debris from construction are almost always left behind, creating serious health hazards.

Additional benefits of clean ducts include:

Energy Savings: increased air flow results in significant reduction of power consumption of motors and drives of your HVAC system. You breathe easier and enjoy a smaller hydro bill.


Increased productivity: poor indoor air quality can contribute to fatigue or restlessness, and can affect people’s productivity. As such, cleaning air ducts is especially important for businesses and educational facilities. Children are particularly affected by indoor air pollution because they breathe faster than adults.


Reduced fire hazard: garbage in ventilation vents, especially of dryer vents in laundry areas, may pose a fire hazard. Cleaning dryer vents reduces this risk.


Better health: For health care facilities, in addition to normal contaminants such as dust, lint, mold spores and fungi, an added problem is of viral and bacterial contamination. Clean air is, and by consequence, clean ducts, are of particular concern in operating rooms, intensive care units, pediatric wards and geriatric wards. Elderly people often suffer with breathing problems and polluted indoor air only intensifies their problems. The same holds true for asthmatics.

© 2017 Revive Furnace Cleaning Ltd.
(Calgary  Residential & Commercial Air Duct Cleaning Services)
5201-755 Copperpond Blvd. S.E, Calgary,AB T2Z 4R2

Phone: (587) 57CLEAN

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Opening Hours:
Monday       Closed
Tuesday      8:00am - 6:00 pm
Wednesday 8:00am - 6:00pm
Thursday     8:00am - 6:00pm

Friday          8:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday     8:00am - 6:00pm
Sunday        ​8:00am - 6:00pm

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